George Watson
Mrs Wilkinson
Picket Line Miner
Scene 1 : Grandma Lost . . . . . 3
Scene 2 : Billys House . . . . . . . 3
Scene 3 : What's The Point Of Boxing? (Billy & Michael) . . . 4
Scene 4 : Down The Club . . . . . 4
Scene 5 : Billy & Nan . . . . . . . 5
Scene 6 : Billys House (Billy & Michael) . . . . . 6
Scene 7 : The Library At School . . . . . 6
Scene 8 : The Boxing Hall . . . . . . 6
Scene 9 : On The Way Home . . . . . . 7
Scene 10 : The Boxing Room - (Dance Billy Dance) . . . . 7
Scene 11 : The Picket Line . . . . . . . 8
Scene 12 : Billys House . . . . . . . 8
Scene 13 : At Mrs. Wilkinsons . . . . . . 9
Scene 14 : Michaels House . . . . . . 10
Scene 15 : Memories of Mum . . . . . . 11
Scene 16 : Billys House . . . . . . . 12
Scene 17 : Boiling Point . . . . . . . 13
Scene 18 : Billys House . . . . . . . 13
Scene 19 : In The Street . . . . . . . 14
Scene 20 : Billys House . . . . . . . 15
Scene 21 : Christmas On The Picket Line . . . . . 16
Scene 22 : The Boxing Hall . . . . . . 17
Scene 23 : Mrs. Wilkinsons House . . . . . . 18
Scene 24 : At The Picket Line . . . . . . 18
Scene 25 : Billys House . . . . . . . 19
Scene 26 : London - The Day Of The Audition . . . . 19
Scene 27 : At The Auditions . . . . . . 20
Scene 28 : The Final Goodbyes . . . . . . 21
Billy Elliot
~ Opening Song ~
Scene 1 : 'Grandma Lost'
(Grandma walks across stage disorientated, followed by Billy
calling her)
Billy Nan? Nan? It's ok Nan, it's Billy! Come on, I've got your breakfast - eggs, just the way you like them.
Nan Is that you, Jackie?
Billy No Nan, Dad's at home......come on!
(Billy escorts Nan off stage)
Scene 2 : 'Billy's House'
(Curtains open showing the Elliot's front room)
Billy Come on Nan!
Tony (Angrily) BILLY! Have you been playing my records? I've warned you
Billy No I haven't.....honest!
(Tony hits Billy around the head; takes a drag of his cigarette)
Billy If Dad sees you smoking that stuff....
Tony Yeah? Well, who's going to tell him, eh? (Threatens Billy; Nan flinches and Billy goes to her;) Dad! Dad! Come on, we'll be late for the picket
line! (To Billy) You can tidy the bedroom.(Enter Dad carrying a coal scuttle)
Dad There's not much coal left...
Tony It's fine. We'll all be digging it out again next month.
Dad Don't kid yourself! (Tony pushes past him in disgust)
Tony I'm not waiting for you!
Dad Tony - Tony!
Tony See you at the line.
(Exit Tony; Billy goes to the piano; Nan rubs her hands with delight
as he begins to play)
Dad Leave
it Billy. Not now!
Billy Mom would have let me.
Nan She would have loved it.
Dad Yes, well, she's not here is she? (He slams the piano lid down and
exits) Your 50 pence is on the side. (Storms off)
Scene 3 : What's The Point Of Boxing? (Billy & Michael)
(Front of Curtain)
(Enter Billy followed by Michael)
Michael Billy, where are you going?
Billy (snaps) Boxing! Where do you think?
Michael Things bad at home, eh?
Billy They're always bad lately. I wish they would make a decision about the pit, one way or the other.
Michael Can I come with you?
Billy I thought you didn't like boxing?!
Michael You're my friend, aren't you?
Billy But you don't like people beating each other up!
Michael I don't know why you do it!
Billy Because Im good at it!
Michael No you're not! I mean, look at your gloves! They're older than you and me
put together!
Billy Hey! They're my Dad's gloves!
Michael EXACTLY!
(They play-fight, then exit, laughing)
Scene 4 : 'Down the Club'
George You're late, Billy Elliot! Now, because they're using down stairs as a soup kitchen for the miners, we're going to be sharing this hall with Mrs. Wilkinson and her ballet class. But it shouldn't interfere with you, understood? The others have finished, so you've got the place to yourself. Get changed and get in here. Put your 50p in the box.
~ Song ~
George Well don't just stand there! HIT IT! Go on! This isnt a tea dance - HIT
IT! (Billy hugs the punch bag) Billy Elliot, you're a disgrace to the gloves
you wear, to your Father and to this boxing hall! You owe me fifty pence!
You're not going until you've done it properly! (He throws some keys at
him) Give these to Mrs. Wilkinson when you've finished. I'll see you next
(The music continues and Billy looses his temper and starts to dance)
Mrs. W (With her back towards Billy facing the wings) Ok girls, left hands on the bar. (As she instructs the girls, Billy copies the movements) And..... pretty arms.....bottoms in.....lift.....feel the time now.... and two....and three....and four....(She continues to count as
she turns around and sees Billy; he holds his leg out) Hold it! Hold it! (Meaning hold the pose) Support yourselves! Don't look at me! Look
straight ahead! (She goes over to Billy and adjusts his leg and
torso) Ok girls...five and six and seven....eyes straight ahead girls.....
and..... stop. Ok Mr Braithwaite, that'll be enough for today. All right girls,
that'll be enough for today. (She then goes to the wings and turns on a
record player)
Billy Miss! Miss!.The keys.
Mrs. W Not now Billy. (She straightens her back) Ready.....and Port de Bras..... forward and up......Why don't you join in?
Billy No.
Mrs. W And hold.....and one and two.....What size are you? (She goes over to the
Billy (Confused) Miss! The keys!
(She throws some ballet shoes at him)
Mrs. W Go on! I dare you! (He's left to put on the shoes) Right, lets see what
we've got here then.....prepare (She shows him).....and one.....and
two.....and three.....and four.....and five.....and six.....and seven.....and eight.....and hold! Hold it.....hold it.....(Billy's leg begins to shake) What
have we got here then? (Billy is in agony; she kneels down and
holds his leg straight) Heel out.....drop your hip (he turns and looks at
her) Nice (She runs her hand over his foot) Straight leg.....good
arch.....turn that leg out.....good! (She looks into the wings) Right, come on everyone, class dismissed. Debbie, get the 50p's. (Billy walks past
her) You owe me 50 pence.
Billy No I don't!
Mrs. W Yes you do. Why don't you bring it next week?
Billy I can't, I've got to go to boxing.
Mrs. W But you're no good at boxing!
Billy Yes I am!
Mrs. W I thought you enjoyed the dancing!......Please yourself.
Scene 5 : 'Billy And Nan'
Billy and his Nan go to Billy's Moms grave.
(Enter Billy he looks around then dances over to a grave stone)
Billy Oh No! (He starts to clear around) People just don't care. Sorry Mom, I'll
clear it up. (Nan comes in) It's over here Nan.....Nan! This one!.......Nan,
do you remember Fred Astaire?
Nan Oh yes. He was a perfectionist, was Fred Astaire.
Billy Was Ginger Rodgers a perfectionist?
Nan We used to go and watch them - Saturday afternoons at the Palace. Then
I'd take your Mom down to the Oxford Ballrooms in Newcastle - marvellous!
Mind, they said I could have been a professional. (She demonstrates her
out-stretched arm)
Billy (with a smile) Not now, Grandma - come on.
Scene 6 : Billy's House
Billy (Playing at the piano) Do you ever think of death?
Michael What ever brought that on?
Billy My Mom. Things would be so different if she was still alive.
Michael Plenty of boys do ballet, you know.
Billy (Looks at him in surprise) Rubbish! Which boys do ballet?
Michael No-one around here, but plenty of men do.
Billy Poofs you mean?
Michael No not necessarily poofs.
Billy Like who?
Michael What about Wayne Sleep? He's not a poof. He's as fit as an athlete.
Billy I bet he couldn't beat Daley Thompson
Michael Maybe not in a race, but in stamina he could.....why don't you try
Billy I can't. I've got to do boxing haven't I?
Michael You could just go and watch.....anyway, see you tomorrow. (He exits
leaving Billy to do some of the warm up poses)
Scene 7 : The Library at school
(Place a table and chair on the apron)
(Enter Billy, he goes over to the table to read a book)
~ Song ~
Michael Billy!.....Billy! Come on, we've only got five minutes!
Scene 8 : The Boxing Hall
George (Off Stage) Right lads - look sharp! Everybody out!
(Billy is left on the stage. He starts to copy what Mrs Wilkinson
Mrs. W (off stage) Arms are in
Where are those arms? (Enter the stage) One.....two.....three and turn.....
turn and stop.
Billy I don't know what to do Miss!
Mrs. W You just follow the others - you'll soon pick it up.
Billy It's just that I feel like a right cissy!
Mrs. W Well don't act like one! Fifty pence please! (She holds out her hand)
If you're not coming again, I'll have those shoes back.
Billy No, you're all right. Ill keep them.
Mrs. W Right.......
~ Song ~
Scene 9 : On The Way Home
(Enter Billy; Father enters the other side)
Dad Where the hell have you been?
Billy Boxing - where do you think?
Dad Your Nanna was found outside the supermarket!
Billy I forgot my gloves. (Trying to hide the shoes)
Dad They were my Dads gloves, so you had better take care of them, ok?
(Enter Michael)
Michael Billy! Hello Mr Elliot.
Dad Hello, Michael. Don't be too long.
Michael (Waits until Billy's Dad goes) So do you go dancing every week?
Billy Yeah.
Michael Does your Dad know?
Billy No! He'd go mad if he found out!
Michael Do you wear a tutu?
Billy No! That's only for girls!
Michael Are you any good at it?
Billy Of course I am. Debbie say's that I'm promising.
Michael What's that supposed to mean?
Billy I dont know. Come on!
(They exit)
Scene 10 : Boxing Hall
(Billy attempts to do everything Mrs Wilkinson tells him. At first he
messes up, but then she joins in and they start to work together)
Mrs. W Ok, Billy Elliot into the middle. Right now, I want you to watch carefully.
First, Arabesque.....drop your shoulders.....look beyond your
fingertips.....right, now spin......spin it.....come on now, focus.....(Points to
the audience).....look at yourself in the mirror.....what was that?! and two. Strong position.....weight on both
legs....and.....pirouette and down. Up you get.....find a place on that wall!.....And focus on that spot!.....Then whip your head round and come back to the spot! Prepare.....One and two, and one and.....have you
got the spot?.....Prepare. (They start to dance) and go.....go.......go...... go......go Billy go! (They finish their dance and fall against each other
Scene 11 : The Picket Line
(Dad, George, Tony and a Miner meet up at the picket line to
protest about the strike. Some of the acting is to be directed out
towards the audience. Plus a quick change for Tony/George is
Everyone (Entering) Scab!..Scab!..Scab!...
George Listen Jackie, If it's the fifty pence a session, you know I can do without it. I
don't do it for the money you know.
Dad What are you talking about?
George The boxing! I haven't seen young Billy for months! I was going to say
something, but I thought it might be embarrassing.
Dad Its the first I knew about it! He's never got his gloves off!
George Well, send him round to my house and I'll knock some sense into him! (Exit George - quick change of costume required)
Dad (Out to the audience) Hello Mrs. Jones..Yes still at it. We're going to win! Tell Bert we're rooting for him.Best wishes to your Mom.Bye! (Enter Tony, with a miner)
Tony/Miner Scab! Scab! Scab!
Dad Listen - have you noticed anything different about Billy lately?
Tony What do you want - a list? (Points to audience) Yeah! Yeah! Got enough
food in there have you? Scab!...
Dad Scabs eat well, eh?
Tony Youre supposed to be my mate. The first rule of the union - you NEVER
cross the picket line. We're all done for if you forget that!
Dad Where's Billy now?
Tony Supposed to be at school. He's at boxing later; remember, youre cooking.
Miner I don't know how you manage - I leave the cooking to the wife.
Dad Its a case of having to!
Miner You'll have to come round to ours sometime.
Tony Come on, the picket line's calling.
Scene 12 : 'Billy's House'
(Dad has been waiting for Billy to come home to find out what he's
been playing at, seeing as he's been lying about going to boxing)
Dad Where the hell have you been!?
Billy You know where I've been.
Dad No I don't. You were supposed to have been at George's, but we both know
you weren' where have you been?
Billy With Mrs. Wilkinson. She's teaching me to dance.
Dad Ballet?!
Billy What's wrong with ballet?!
Dad What's wrong with ballet?!
Billy It's perfectly normal.
Dad Perfectly normal?!
Billy Nanna used to go to ballet.
Dad Yes, for your Nanna - for girls. Not for boys, Billy. Boys, or
boxing or......wrestling NOT..flamingballet!
Billy What boys do wrestling?
Dad Don't start Billy!
Billy I don't see what's wrong with it.
Dad You know what's wrong with it!
Billy No I don't!
Dad Yes you do!
Billy No I don't!
Dad YES YOU FLAMING WELL DO! Who do you think I am?!
Billy What are you trying to say?!
Dad You're asking for a hiding!
Billy No I'm not, honest!
Dad You are Billy! Billy!
Billy It's not just for poofs, Dad. Some dancers are as fit as athletes. What about
Wayne Sleep? He was a ballet dancer!
Dad Wayne Sleep?!
Billy Yes!
Dad Listen son, from now on you can forget flaming ballet, you can even
forget boxing as well! I've worked hard for those fifty pence's. From now
on you can stay home and look after your Nanna, got it?! Good!
Nan They used to say I should have been a professional dancer.
Dad Will you shut up?!
Dad GET OUT BILLY! (He goes to hit Billy, he ducks and runs out)
Scene 13 : 'At Mrs Wilkinson's'
Mrs. W Oh, Hello.
Billy My Dad will kill me if he knows I'm here!
Mrs. W He's stopped you coming to classes.
Billy It's not his fault Miss.
Mrs. W That's all right with you, is it?
Billy I suppose so.
Mrs. W You should stand up to him.
Billy You don't know what he's like.
Mrs. W Well that blows it.
Billy Blows what? I don't understand. What have I blown?
Mrs. W This will sound strange Billy, but I thought of auditioning for the Royal
Ballet School.
Billy Aren't you a bit old Miss?
Mrs. W You Billy..I'm the teacher......They hold auditions in Newcastle.
Billy I'd never be good enough. I hardly know how to dance.
Mrs. W Look, they're not interested in how much ballet you know. They teach you
that, that's why they're a ballet school. It's how you move, how you express
yourself that's important.
Billy Express what?
Mrs. W I think you're good enough to go for it......But it would mean an awful lot of
hard work.
Billy But I'm banned.
Mrs. W Maybe I should have a word with him.
Billy No Miss!
Mrs. W You know, I could teach you on your own if you want.
Billy We couldn't afford it.
Mrs. W I'm not doing it for the money.
Billy But, what about Dad?
Mrs. W He doesn't need to know.
Billy And what about boxing?
Mrs. W For pitys sake Billy, if you want to mess about with your friends that's fine
with me!
Billy Well all right, don't get so stressed.....So we could do it private, like?
Mrs. W Just you and me.
Billy don't fancy me do you?
Mrs. W No Billy. Funnily enough I don't. Now clear off!
Billy Clear off yourself.....
Mrs. W See you Monday then?.....(As Billy runs off)
Scene 14 : Michael's House
(Billy goes to Michael's house only to be greeted by Michael wearing a dress........)
Michael Are you coming in or what?
Billy What are you doing?
Michael Nothing, just dressing up.
Billy Whose dress is that?
Michael Come in.
Billy Whose dress is it?
Michael It's my sisters.
Billy Did she give you it?
Michael She doesn't know. Do you want to try? You could have this one of my Mom's.
Billy No, youre all right (Billy looks around the room, he looks back to find
Michael trying to put on some make up.) What are you doing that for?
Michael I'm just trying it on.
Billy Oh here we go!
Michael Come here.
(Michael grabs Billy for a moment, he squirms)
Michael Now stay still!
(Billy does so reluctantly, Michael puts on some lipstick)
Michael There!
Billy Won't we get into trouble?
Michael Don't be silly. My Dad does it all the time!
Billy What?! He dresses up in your Moms clothes?
Michael Only when he thinks everyone's out! (He then starts to look for some shoes) Have you got a Tutu yet?
Billy Do you think being a ballet dancer is better than being a miner?
Michael I don't know.
Billy It's just..I've got an audition in Newcastle in a couple of weeks.
Michael What for?
Billy To go to Ballet School.
Michael Ballet school? Is that in Newcastle?
Billy London.
Michael So you'll have to move with Tony and everybody?
Billy No, just myself.
Michael That's not fair! Can't you be a ballet dancer here?
Billy Don't be stupid!
Michael So when are you going there then?
Billy I don't know. I haven't even got in yet!
Michael What does your Dad say?
Billy He doesn't know.
Michael WHAT?! Aren't you going to tell him?!
Billy No. Not yet anyway.
Michael He might be quite pleased about it.......He could rent out your room!
Billy He couldn't! What about Tony? (Pause) What do you reckon? (Pause)
Michael I think you shouldn't bother.
Billy Why not?
Michael I'd miss you.
Billy Blimey!
~ Song ~
Scene 15 : Memories of Mom
(Enter Mrs Wilkinson with two chairs. She then starts to do some
warm up exercises. Enter Billy)
Mrs. W Have you brought your things?
Billy I don't know if they're the right things, Miss.
Mrs. W If they're special to you, then they're right.
Billy What are they for?
Mrs. W To give us some ideas for a dance. Come on, let's see what you've got.
(Billy delves into a plastic bag and brings out a football shirt,
football, a tape and a letter)
Mrs. W What's that?
Billy It's a letter.
Mrs. W I can see it's a letter. (Billy pauses)
Billy It's from my Mom. (Mrs Wilkinson looks at him) She wrote it for me for when I was eighteen, but I opened -
(He gives her the letter. She's not sure whether to open it; she
looks at Billy for reassurance then opens it and reads it.....)
Mrs. W Dear Billy, I know I must seem like a distant memory to you, which is probably a good thing. It will have been a long time and I will have missed seeing you grow, missed you crying and laughing and shouting and.....(Billy takes over the letter having memorised it word for word)
Billy I will have missed telling you off. But please know that I was always there......(Mrs. Wilkinson joins in with him)
Both With you all through everything. And I always will be.....
Billy And I am proud to have known you. And I am proud that you were mine. Always be yourself. I love you for ever. (Mrs Wilkinson checks that's the end of the letter)
Mrs. W She must have been a very special woman, Billy.
Billy No - she was just my Mom. (She gives him back the letter) And I brought a tape.
Mrs. W What is it?
Billy I love to Boogie. It's one of Tony's. (They both raise a smile.)
~ Dance ~
Scene 16 : Billy's House
(Early morning and Billy is looking in a cupboard for a glass when
Tony comes down into the kitchen)
Billy What's going on?
Tony Go back to bed!
Billy It's four o'clock!
(Tony goes into the cupboard under the sink and takes out a tool
box. He takes out a hammer. He hasn't noticed his Dad standing in
the doorway. He turns and sees him.......)
Dad You weren't thinking of taking it with you?
Tony You want to stand there...... have people walk all over you, that's your
funeral. But some of us are willing to fight back for once.
Dad They're already after you for pity's sake! You're no good to us in jail!
Tony I don't plan on getting caught!
Billy What's going on?
Dad You get back to bed......Both of you!
Tony Get lost!
Dad Put it down!
Tony Are you going to stop me?
Dad I'm warning you!
Tony You haven't got it in you! Youre finished! Since Mom died youre nothing but
a useless waste of space! What are YOU going to do about it?
(Dad hits Tony, he staggers back. Billy screams)
Billy STOP IT!
(Billy stands there, terrified. Tony gets up and grabs the hammer.
He thinks about using on his Dad, then puts it in his pocket. He's
shaken too, but leaves. Dad makes no attempt to stop him, he sits
down at the table. Billy stands there staring at him)
Dad What are you looking at?
Scene 17 : Boiling Point
(In the boxing hall, Mrs Wilkinson and Billy have a private lesson)
(Off stage....)
Mrs. W You haven't been practising.....Now prepare, one and two.....(Billy falls
through the curtain onto the apron)..Get up!
Billy Miss, I can't do it!
Mrs. W That's because youre not concentrating!
Billy Miss, I am concentrating!
Mrs. W Youre not even trying!
Billy I am Miss!
Mrs. W Do it again!
Billy I can't!
Mrs. W You do it again!
(Billy has had enough and decides to make a stand).
Billy NO! (He runs to the side of the stage and huddles up in a ball
Mrs. Wilkinson goes over to him.)
Mrs. W I'm sorry.
Billy It's all right for you! It's not you that has to do it!
Mrs. W I know.
Billy You don't know anything! What do you know in your posh house with all your posh stuff?! Youre just the same as everyone else - all you want to do is tell me what to do!
Mrs. W Now wait a minute -
Billy Look! I don't want to do your stupid audition! You only want me to do it for your own benefit!
Mrs. W Look Billy.......
Billy ......Because your a failure!
Mrs. W Don't you dare talk to me like that!
Billy ..You haven't even got a proper dancing school! Youre stuck in some old school gym! Don't pick on me because you've messed up your own life!
(Mrs Wilkinson slaps Billy. She then realises what she's done. Billy
just stares at her. In shock she reaches out to Billy, He burst in to
tears, hugs her they both exit in tears).
Scene 18 : Billy's House
(Billy comes home and startles his Gran. He's been listening to a
tape of Swan Lake)
Gran No! No! No!
Billy It's all right Gran - it's me, Billy. (He calms her down by putting on a
tape. She looks like she is really enjoying it, swaying back and
forward, side to side with her eyes closed. The music continues
softly as they are talking until Gran says it's a ghost story. The
sound effect of record scratching perhaps?)
Billy Do you know this Gran?
Gran Why, yes Billy. It was one of your Mom's favourite ballets.
Billy Has it got a story?
Gran Of course. It's about a woman who's been captured by an evil magician.
Billy It sounds stupid!
Gran And this woman, this beautiful woman, was forced to be a swan, except for a few hours every night when she becomes alive, when she becomes real again. And then one night, she meets this young prince and he falls in love with her and she realises this is the one thing that will allow her to become a real woman once more..
Billy So then what happens?
Gran He promises to marry her and then goes off with someone else, of course!
Billy So, she has to be a swan for good?
Gran No, she dies.....
Billy What - because the Prince didn't love her?
Gran It's a ghost story Billy! Now go to bed. (She scruffs his hair, he kisses her on the cheek)
Scene 19 : In The Street
(Billy and Michael are talking when Tony runs past)
Michael When's the audition?
Billy Tomorrow morning.....Who do you thinks better? Fred Astaire or Ginger Rodgers?
Michael I dont know..(Tony runs either through the auditorium shouting from the side of the stage)
Tony Billy! Billy! The Police! They're after me..I'm done for this time!
(They all run off. Then Mrs Wilkinson enters from one side all
dressed up and Billy and his Dad enter from the other side. Two
scenes played at the same time. Mrs Wilkinson is waiting for Billy.
She is looking at her watch. Billy and his Dad are waiting at the
Mrs. W Come on Billy! I said be here at 10 o'clock!
Billy What's the time, Dad?
Dad What's the matter? That's the fourth time you've asked me in the last half an hour. It's 10 past 10. Is there somewhere else you've got to be?
Billy (Looking worried and upset) No, no, it's ok, Dad.
Mrs. W Come on Billy, we're going to be late.
Billy Dad, will the Judge put Tony in Prison?
Dad Hope not, son. The fool! I told him! Come on, he's in court room number
Mrs. W Oh Billy! (She looks at her watch then shakes her head and walks
Scene 20 : Billy's House
(Billy, Dad and Tony have just got back from the courts. Mrs.
Wilkinson comes in followed by Gran)
Mrs. W What's going on Billy?
Billy Please Miss - don't!
Tony Who the hell are you?
Mrs. W I know this might be a bit difficult for you, but today Billy missed a very important audition.
(There is a stunned silence. Tony makes a point of trying to
understand what's going on)
Tony Audition?
Mrs. W For the Royal Ballet School.
(Dad shakes his head and rubs his face, Tony reacts)
Tony The Royal Ballet -
Mrs. W School. Where they teach Ballet.
Tony (Bursting into laughter) You've got to be joking, yeah?! This a wind up?!
Mrs. W No, I'm perfectly serious!
Tony Have you any idea what we're going through? You come around here spouting your mouth off..(To Billy) and YOU? 'The Royal Ballet? (Back to Mrs. Wilkinson)What are you trying to do? Make him a scab for the rest of his life? Look at him - he's only eleven years old for heavens sake!
Billy You've got to start training when youre young.
Tony Shut it! I not having any brother of mine running around like a girl for your gratification.
Mrs. W Excuse me! It's not for my gratification!
Tony And what good's it going to do him? Youre not taking him away. He's only a child. What about giving him a childhood?
Billy But I don't want a childhood! I want to be a ballet dancer!
Tony And anyway, what do you know about it? What qualifications have you got?
Mrs. W Look, I haven't come here to defend myself!
Tony .......For all we know you might be some nutter! I'll get the social on to you!
Mrs. W I think you should calm yourself down, son!
Tony (To Billy) Well you say you can dance? Come on then, let's see you - let's see you dance! COME ON - DANCE! (Billy stays still, so Tony grabs him and puts him on the table)
Mrs. W Oh no! Now this is ridiculous!
Tony Go on then! If youre a 'ballet dancer, let's see you do a dance!
Mrs. W Don't you dare!
Tony What sort of teacher are you? He's got a chance to dance and you're telling him not to. GO ON, DANCE! NO....? So clear off. He's not doing anymore ballet. And if you go any where near him again I'll smack you one, you middle class snob!
Mrs. W Now hang on a minute! You know nothing about me, you arrogant little child! What are YOU scared of?! That he won't grow up to race dogs, or grow leeks, or drink his money away?! Listen, I've been with him every night for the past two months and you haven't noticed! So don't go on at me about the 'British Class System', Comrade! See you Billy!
(She exits followed by Billy, but in opposite directions)
Scene 21 : Christmas On The Picket Line
(Everyone is huddled around a fire bin. There is a banner saying
'Merry Christmas - 9 months - We Shall Not Be Moved'. Slade's
'Merry Christmas Everybody is heard in the background. George
and Dad are there, then Billy and Gran enter with some drink. She
gives it to each person)
Gran Merry Christmas everyone!
Billy Merry Christmas!
Dad (Raising his cup) Well, Merry Christmas everyone!
George Tell you what. I've got something that will warm us up at home - be back in
a minute! (He exits)
(Enter Michael, hiding something under his coat)
Michael Billy - Here! See what I've got!
Billy Can I go Dad?
Dad Yeah! Gran can stay here with us.
(Billy and Michael exit. Everyone sings a Christmas song. Then
George comes back)
GeorgeHere you are..that'll keep you warm. (Pours into a mug)
Dad Take it easy Gran! I don't want to carry you home!
(Everyone laughs as she bursts into song except Dad. George
notices this and encourages him to have a drink)
GeorgeCome on Jackie.I know she's gone, but life goes on. She wouldn't want you
to be miserable all the time. Besides, it's Christmas.
(Enter a miner)
Miner George! George! There's someone in theGym!
George Are you sure?
Miner Yeah! One of the windows is open and I could hear a noise!
George Come on Jackie!
(Everyone Exits)
Scene 22 : The Boxing Hall
(Michael and Billy have got into the Boxing hall. Michael takes out a
bottle of something out from under his coat and gives Billy some)
Billy A great Christmas this has been.
Michael Go on have some.
Billy Where did you get it?
Michael Dad's got lots in the kitchen.
Billy Won't he notice?
Michael He never knows how much there is.
Billy Yuk...It tastes like......
Michael Yeah well, you get used to it. Maybe you could run away or something. You know and join a dancing group.
Billy Don't be stupid!
Michael Well, maybe it's all for the best.
Billy What do you mean?
Michael Well, you won't have to go away or nothing.
Billy My hands are freezing!
Michael Give them here. (Michael takes Billy's hands and sticks them up his jumper and they stand close)
Billy What are you doing?
Michael Nothing. Just warming your hands.
Billy You're not one of them 'poofs' are you?
Michael What gave you that impression?
Billy Aren't my hands cold?
Michael I quite like it. (Michael can't take it any longer and pulls away he then gives Billy a quick kiss)
Billy Just because I like ballet, doesn't mean I'm a 'poof' you know.
Michael You won't tell anyone will you?
Billy (Smiles) Come on.
Michael It's freezing in here.
(They go over to a chest where Billy hands Michael a tutu)
Billy Here!
Michael What's this?
Billy Put it on (He does) Right. Copy me......Pli first.
Michael What's a Pli?
Billy It's French.
Michael Why is it French?
Billy I dont know, second. Like a princess. Second, and down. And first. Carry on. Fifth. Shoulders down. Long Neck.
Michael Here give us your hand, Come on let's dance.
(They start to mess around, Dad Enters and stands there watching,
Billy looks at him in surprise, unsure of what to do. Michael takes
off the tutu, Billy starts to dance, using all the moves he has learnt.
When Billy stops, right in front of his Dad, Michael claps and his
Dad turns away)
Billy Dad?
Dad Go home Billy!
Scene 23 : Mrs Wilkinson's House
(After seeing how good Billy really is, he goes to see Mrs. Wilkinson
to find out more)
Mrs. W Hello. If it's Billy your looking for, he's not here.
Dad How much is it going to cost?
Mrs. W And a Happy Christmas to you too! (She shakes her head) Not as much as you might think. Maybe two thousand pounds, but there's a good chance the Council's....
Dad Two Thousand? I was - I was talking about the auditions.
Mrs. W Look, if it's just a matter of the trip to London. I'll give you the money for the fare.
Dad I didn't come here to be patronised!
Mrs. W Oh! No one's trying to patronise you! Youre being ridiculous!
Dad Am I?
Mrs. W Yes!
Dad Thanks for everything you've done for Billy. But he is my son, isn't he? I love him, and I too, want what's best for him. I'll do what needs to be done. (He walks away)
Scene 24 : At The Picket Line
(Dad walks onto the stage. Tony and Miner see him from either the back of the auditorium, or from the side of the stage depending on how the venue is seated. They shout at him then chase through)
Miner Hey, Tony! There's Jackie going through the picket line! JACKIE! What you doing?
Tony Dad! Dad! What are you doing?!DAD!
Dad I don't know what else to do!
Tony You can't go back now Dad! Not now!
Dad Look at the state of us! What have we got to offer the poor boy?!
Tony You can't do this! Not now! Not after all this time! Not after all we've been through!
Dad It's for Billy!
Tony But not this way Dad!
Dad He might be a genius for all we know!
Tony For goodness sake Dad, you can't cross the picket line! You can't!
Miner Tony....
Tony Dad he's only eleven! He's just a kid!
Dad I'm sorry....sorry son!
Tony (Running to hug his Dad) Dad! Please! PLEASE!
Dad I'm sorry son! We're finished, son! What choice have we got eh?! Let's at least give the boy a chance!
Tony Please, please! Don't do this to me Dad! We'll find him some money! We'll
find it for him!
Miner Jackie, you all right?
Tony It's fine. He's going to be okay!
Miner Come on, let's get him out of here!
Tony Your right Dad! Mom would have let him go! She'd have found a way!
We'll find the money from somewhere! (They all exit)
Scene 25 : Billy's House
(Nan and Billy are sitting at the table counting money. George
comes in. He places some money on the table)
George All those fifty pence pieces Here, it was a toss up between a new punch bag or you.
Nan It's not even enough for the bed and breakfast! Perhaps we should forget about it eh, Billy? We're only dreaming. Look at us scraping around for fifty pence's! We've got to do a lot better than this!
George Like what I'm doing - a raffle at the welfare.....and I'm going to organise a concert!
Billy Thanks George.
(Dad comes in)
Dad Here you are. (He places a pile of notes on the table)
Tony What? Where? How?.....
Dad Let's just say that it's a gift from your Mom.
Billy I don't understand.
Tony You sold Moms stuff?
Dad She would have wanted it. After all, it was doing no good gathering dust.
(Billy gives his dad a hug)
George Youre nearly there, Billy!
Scene 26 : London - The Day Of The Audition
(On the stage is a chair and a desk. Billy starts to tap dance behind his Dad as they are walking)
Dad Is that absolutely necessary? Walk normally will you!
Billy So, what's it like?
Dad What's what like?
Billy London.
Dad I don't know son, I've never made it past Durham.
Billy What? You've never been?
Dad Why would I want to come to London?
Billy Well, it's the Capital City.
Dad Well, there's no mines here in London.
Billy Is that all you think about?
Dad It's all I know son. Same as my Father and his before him.
Billy Can we have a look around after? Make a day of it?
Dad Don't see why not. It's not every day we get to come to London!
(They walk over to a Lady sitting at a desk)
Lady Can I help you?
Dad Billy Elliot. We've come for an audition.
Lady Oh! you mean William Elliot?
Dad Yeah! William.
Lady Ah yes. Can you go upstairs please?
Dad This way?
Lady Yes.
Dad Thanks.
Scene 27 : At The Auditions
(The stage is set with three chairs stage left and three stage right,
with a table in front. One chair is centre stage. Billy and Dad enter
and sit stage left; Billy is getting very nervous)
Billy Dad! Dad! I've changed my mind! Let's go home!
Dad Sit down and don't be so stupid! A lot of people back home are expecting you to do your best. So, you show them that just because your a miners
son it doesn't mean they can walk all over you.....(Whispers) I'm proud
of you Billy!
(Enter two men and a woman, they sit down at the table)
Lady And you are?
Billy Billy Elliot, from Everington.
Lady I beg your pardon?
Billy Billy Elliot.
Lady Ah yes, of course. Well then, come to the chair please Billy.
(Billy walks to the chair) Left arm on the chair. Feet first. Arms second. Demi-Pliand hold.
Tutor 1 Right Billy. We would like to see you move to some music. Do you have any prepared?
~ Dance ~
Tutor 2 Mr. Elliot, mutual respect and self-discipline are an absolute pre-requisite of any pupil at this school. Any display of violence will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Do you understand? (Dad nods)
Tutor 1 Yes well, just a few questions then..Billy, can you tell us why you first became interested in ballet? (Pause)
Billy I dont know.
(Dad looks at him)
Billy I just was.
Tutor 1 Well was there any specific aspect of ballet which caught your imagination?
Billy (Billy stares at them) The dancing.
Dad He dances all the time. Every night after school.
Tutor 2Yes, we havea very enthusiastic letter from a Mrs. Wilkinson. She has told
us of you personal circumstances.
Lady Mr. Elliot, are you a fan of ballet?
Dad I wouldn't exactly say I was an expert.
Lady You do realise that pupils must attain the highest standards, not just in
ballet, but also in their ordinary academic work. No child can succeed
without one hundred per cent support from their family. You are completely behind Billy, are you not?
Dad Yes, yes of course!
Tutor 2 Do you want to ask us any questions?
(Dad and Billy look at each other blankly, they feel a little uneasy)
DadNo.. Not really.
Tutor 2 Well in that case we shall let you know in due course.
(Dad and Billy look at each other. They had done their best; now they have to wait. They get up to leave when the lady asks one
final question)
Lady Just one last question. Can I just ask you Billy - what does it feel like when you're dancing?
Billy I dont know - it sort of feels good. It feels stiff at first, but then when I get going, I forget everything and, and sort of disappear. One minute my body's on fire, the next it's like I'm flying like a bird - like electricity....yeah, that's it - like electricity. (There's a short pause as Dad and Billy turn to exit)
Tutor 1 Have a safe journey home. And Mr. Elliot..good luck with the strike.
~ Song ~
Scene 28 : The Final Goodbyes
(Billy has been accepted into ballet school. Now he's saying the
final goodbyes)
Billy Miss, I just came to tell you.
Mrs. W It's all right Billy. I heard it from Debbie.
Billy It's just that, I thought after everything that was said and done that........I'll
miss you.
Mrs. W No you won't.
Billy I will honest!
Mrs. W This is when you go out and find life and all the other things. The best of luck, Billy. (She gives him a hug, exits. Dad and Tony Enter)
Tony You'll miss the bus.
Dad We're off!
Billy Dad, I think I'm scared!
Dad That's okay, son. We're all scared.
Billy Well if I don't like it, can I come back?
Dad Are you kidding? We've let out your room!
(They all laugh; Tony goes to take Billy's suitcase)
Billy I'll take it.
(Enter Michael)
Michael Oi! Dancing boy!
(They give each other a hug)
Dad We'll miss the bus
Tony Will you stop being an old woman! (To Billy) I'll miss you! (They give each other a hug) Now clear off! (Dad and Billy exit off one way; Tony and Michael the other)
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