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I HOPE I GET IT ZACHStep, calcio, calcio, leap, calcio, tocco a terra...Ancora!Step, calcio, calcio, leap, calcio, tocco a terra...Ancora!Step, calcio, calcio, leap, calcio, tocco a terra...Ancora!Step, calcio, calcio, leap, calcio, tocco a terra...Ora va bene!Dopo questo cGiro, giro, out, in, jump, step, Step, calcio, calcio, leap, calcio, tocco a terra...Ancora!Avete capito?... Ancora. E... Turn, turn, touch, down, back, step, Pivot, step, walk, walk, walk.OK! Ora facciamo lintera sequenza,Guardate dallaltra parte dello specchio.Da capo. Cinque, sei, sette, otto!TUTTIDio, spero che mi prendano.spero che mi prendano.Quante persone ha bisogno?BOYSQuante persone ha bisogno?GIRLSDio, spero che mi prendano.ALLDio, spero che mi prendano.Quanti ragazzi? E quante ragazze?GIRLSQuanti ragazzi? E quante...?ALLGuarda tutta questa gente!At all the people.Quante persone ha bisogno?Quanti ragazzi? E quante ragazze?Quante persone ha...?TRICIAIo ho bisogno veramente di questo lavoro.Perfavore, ne ho bisogno.Io devo prendere questo lavoro.ALLGod, I really blew it!I really blew it!How could I do a thing like that?BOYSHow could I do a thing like...ALLNow I'll never make it!I'll never make it!He doesn't like the way I look.He doesn't like the way I dance.He doesn't like the way I...ALLGOD, I think I've got it.I think I've got it.I knew he liked me all the time.Still it isn't over.MAGGIEWhat's coming next?ALLIt isn't over.MIKE What happens now?ALLI can't imagine what he wants.GIRLSI can't imagine what he...ALLGod, I hope I get it!I hope I get it.I've come this far, but even soIt could be yes, it could be no,How many people does he...?I really need this job.A FEW VOICESMy unemployment is gone.ALLPlease, God, I need this job.A FEW VOICESI knew I had it from the start.ALLI've got to get this show.PAULWho am I anyway?Am I my resume?That is a picture of a person I don't know.What does he want from me?What should I try to be?So many faces all around, and here we go.I need this job, oh God, I need this show.I CAN DO THAT MIKEI'm watchin' Sis Go pitterpat. Said, "I can do that,I can do that."Knew ev'ry step Right off the bat.Said, "I can do that,I can do that."One morning Sis won't go to dance classI grabbed her shoes and tights and all,But my foot's too small,So, I stuff her shoes With extra socks,Run seven blocksIn nothin' flat.Hell, I can do that,I can do that.I got to class And had it made,And so I stayedThe rest of my life.All thanks to Sis(Now married and fat),I can do this.That I can do!I can do that.AT THE BALLET SHEILADaddy always thought that he married beneath him.That's what he said, that's what he said.When he proposed he informed my motherHe was probably her very last chance.And though she was twenty-two, Though she was twenty-two,Though she was twenty-two,She married him.Life with my dad wasn't ever a picnicMore like a "Come as you are."When I was five I remember my motherDug earrings out of the carI knew they weren't hers, But it wasn't Something you'd want to discuss.He wasn't warm.Well, not to her.Well, not to usBut Everything was beautiful at the ballet.Graceful men lift lovely girls in white.Yes, Everything was beautiful at ballet.Hey!I was happy... at the ballet.That's why I started class...Up a steep and very narrow stairway.SHEILA AND BEBETo the voice like a metronome.Up a steep and very narrow stairway.SHEILAIt wasn't paradise... BEBEIt wasn't paradise...SHEILA AND BEBEIt wasn't paradise...SHEILABut it was home.BEBEMother always said I'd be very attractiveWhen I grew up, when I grew up."Diff'rent," she said, "With a special somethingAnd a very, very personal flair."And though I was eight or nine,Though I was eight or nine,Though I was eight or nine,I hated her.Now,"Diff'rent" is nice, but it sure isn't pretty."Pretty" is what it's about.I never met anyone who was "diff'rent"Who couldn't figure that out.So beautiful I'd never lived to see.But it was clear, If not to her,Well, then... to me...That ...MAGGIE AND BEBEEveryone is beautiful at the ballet.Every prince has got to have his swan.Yes, Everyone is beautiful at the ballet.MAGGIEHey!...BEBEI was pretty... SHEILAAt the balletMAGGIE, SHEILA AND BEBEUp a steep and very narrow stairwayTo the voice like a metronome.Up a steep and very narrow stairwayMAGGIEIt wasn't paradise... BEBEIt wasn't paradise...SHEILAIt wasn't paradise...MAGGIE, SHEILA AND BEBEBut it was home.MAGGIE(Spoken)I don't know what they were for or against, really,except each other. I mean I was born to save their marriagebut when my father came to pick my mother up at the hospitalhe said, "Well, I thought this was going to help. but I guess it's not..." Anyway, I did have a fantastic fantasy life.I used to dance around the living room with my arms up like thisMy fantasy was that I was an Indian Chief...And he'd say to me,"Maggie, do you wanna dance?" And I'd say, "Daddy, I would love to dance!"SHEILA AND MAGGIEDoo-doo-doo-dooBEBEBut it was clear... BEBE AND MAGGIEDoo-doo-dooSHEILAWhen he proposed...SHEILA AND BEBEDoo-doo-dooMAGGIEThat I was born to help their marriage and whenMAGGIE AND BEBEDoo-doo-doo-dooSHEILAThat's what he said...SHEILA AND MAGGIEDoo-doo-dooBEBEThat's what she said...BEBE AND SHEILADoo-doo-dooMAGGIEI used to dance around the living room...BEBE AND SHEILADoo-doo-doo-dooSHEILAHe wasn't warm... SHEILA AND MAGGIEDoo-doo-dooBEBENot to her...MAGGIEIt was an Indian chief and he'd say:"Maggie, do you wanna dance?"And I'd say, "Daddy, I would love to..."Everything was beautiful at the ballet,Raise your arms and someone's always there.Yes, everything was beautiful at the ballet,At the ballet,At the ballet!!!MAGGIE, SHEILA AND BEBEYes everything was beautiful at the ballet.MAGGIEHEY!...BEBEI was pretty...SHEILAI was happy...MAGGIE"I would love to..."MAGGIE, SHEILA AND BEBEAt...the...ballet.SINGKRISTINESee I really couldn't singI could never really sing AL What I couldn't do was... ...Sing!I have trouble with a... ...Note.It goes all around my... ...Throat.It's a terrifying... ...Thing.See, I reall couldn't hearWhich not was lower or was... ...Higher If someone says, "Let's start a... ...Choir.Hey, when I begin to... ...Shreik.It's a cross between a... ...Squeak.And a quiver or a... ...Moan.It's a little like a... ...Croak.Or the record player... ...Broke.What its doesn't have is... ...Tone.Oh I know you're thinkingWhat a crazy... ...Dingaling.But I really couldn't... ...Sing.I could never really... ...Sing.What I couldn't do was... ...Sing!ALThree blind mice.KRISTINE(Off-Key)Three blind mice.(Spoken)It isn't intentional...AL(Spoken)She's doing her best,Jingle bells, jingle bells...KRISTINEJingle bells, jingle bells...(Spoken)It really blows my mindAL(Spoken)She gets depressedKRISTINEBut what I lack in pitch I sure AL Make up in... ...Power. And all my friends say I amPerfect for theShower.Still,I'm terrific at a... ...Dance.Guys are comin' in their... ...Pants.I'm a birdie on the... ...Wing.But when I begin to... ...Chirp.They say, "who's the little... ...Twerp...Goin' 'pong' instead of... ...Ping.And when Christmas comes ansAll my friends go...ALLCaroling,KRISTINEIt is so dishearten... ...-Ning.It is so disquiet... ...-Ting.It is so discourag... ...-Ging.Darling, please stop answer... ...-Ring!See, I really couldn't... ...Sing.I could never really... ...Sing.What I couldn't do was...ALL(In parts with Al conducting)Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, doDo, ti, la, sol, fa, mi, re, doLaKRISTINE(Off Key)La...ALLLaKRISTINELa...GIRLSSing, singSing a sing a sing sing BOYSSing, sing Never sing a note. Please never,Sing, Sing Never sing a note, Don't ever...KRISTINE(Off key)...Sing.ALLSing!MONTAGEVALHello twelve,RICHIEHello thirteen,MAGGIEHello Love.ALChanges, Oh!BEBEDown below.DIANAUp above.VALTime to doubt,MIKETo break out'RICHIEIt's a mess,MAGGIEIt's a mess.PAUL AND JUDYTime to grow.MAGGIE AND ALTime to goCONNIE, BOBBY AND RICHIEAdolesce,ALLAdolesce.Too young to take over,Too old to ignore.AlGee, I'm almost ready,ALLBut...what...for?There's a lot I am not Certain of.Hellot twelveHello thirteenHello love.ALL(except Connie)Goodbye twelveGoodbye thirteenHello love...BEBE Robert Goulet, Robert GouletMy God, Robert Goulet!All ...Oh!Down below Up above...DONPlaying Doctor with EvelynALLLa la laRICHIEI'll show you mineALLLa laRICHIEYou show me yoursALL La laKRISTINESeeing Daddy...naked!ALLTime to grow, Time to go...SHEILASurprise!ALLLa la laSHEILAMom and Dad were doing it.BOBBYI'm gonna be a movie star.NOTHING DIANAI'm so excited because I'm gonna go to the High School of Performing Arts! I mean, I was dying to be a serious actress. Anyway, it's the first day acting class- and we're in the auditorium and the teacher, Mr. Karp... Oh, Mr. Karp... Anyway, he puts us up on the stage with our legs around each other, one in back of the other and he says: "Okay... we're going to do improvisations. Now, you're on a bobsled. It's snowing out. And it's cold...Okay...GO!"Ev'ry day for a week we would try to Feel the motion, feel the motion Down the hill.Ev'ry day for a week we would try to Hear the wind rush, hear the wind rush, Feel the chill.And I dug right down to the bottom of my soulTo see what I had inside.Yes, I dug right down to the bottom of my soulAnd I tried, I tried.(Spoken)And everybody's goin' "Whooooosh, whooooosh ...I feel the snow... I feel the cold... I feel the air."And Mr. Karp turns to me and he says, "Okay, Morales. What did you feel?"(sings)And I said..."Nothing, I'm feeling nothing,"And he says "Nothing Could get a girl transferred."They all felt something, But I felt nothingExcept the feeling That this bullshit was absurd!(Spoken)But I said to myself, "Hey, it's only the first week. Maybe it's genetic. They don't have bobsleds in San Juan!"(sings)Second week, more advanced, and we had to Be a table, be a sportscar...Ice-cream cone.Mister Karp, he would say,"Very good, except Morales. Try, Morales, All alone."And I dug right down to the bottom of my soulTo see how an ice cream felt.Yes, I dug right down to the bottom of my soulAnd I tried to melt.The kids yelled, "Nothing!"They called me "Nothing"And Karp allowed it, Which really makes me burn.The were so helpful. They called me "Hopeless",Until I really didn't know Where else to turn.(Spoken)And Karp kept saying,"Morales, I think you should transfer to Girl's High,You'll never be an actress, Never!" Jesus Christ!Went to church, praying, "Santa Maria,Send me guidance, send me guidance," On my knees.Went to church, praying, "Santa Maria,Help me feel it, help me feel it. Pretty please!"And a voice from down at the bottom of my soulCame up to the top of my head.And the voice from down at the bottom of my soul,Here is what it said:"This man is nothing!This course is nothing!If you want something,Go find another class.And when you find oneYou'll be an actress."And I assure you that's what Fin'lly came to pass.Six months later I heard that Karp had died.And I dug right down to the bottom of my soul... And cried.'Cause I felt... nothing.MONTAGEALLGoodbye twelve,Goodbye thirteen,Hello love.MAGGIEWhy do I pay for all those lessons?Dance for Gran'ma! Dance for Gran'ma!BEBMy God, that Steve McQueen's reall sexy,Bob Goulet out, Steve McQueen in!CASSIEYou cannot go to the moviesUntil you finish your homework.ALWash the car,MIKEStop pickin' your nose.MAGGIEOh, darling, you're not old enough to wear a bra.You've got nothing to hold it up.MARKLocked in the bathroom with Peyton Place.VALTits! When am I gonna grow tits?BOBBYIf Troy Donahue can ne a movie star,Then I could be a movie star.JUDYBut the thing that made my Daddy laugh so muchWas when I used to jump and dance around the living room...MAGGIEPlease take this messageTo Mother from me.Carry it with you Across the blue sea."Mother, oh, Mother,Wherever I goYour Maggie is missin' you so.""Mother, oh, Mother,Wherever I goYour Maggie is missin' you so."ALDad would take Mom to Roseland.She'd come home with her shoes on her hand.DIANAMama fat,Always in the kitchen cooking all the time.SHEILADarling, I can tell you now,Your father went through life with an open fly.VALTits! Where are my tits?CASSIEListen to your mother.those stage and movie people got thereBecause they're special.GREGYou take after your father's side of the family,The ugly side.PAULWait until your father gets home.DONSwear to God and hope to die.CHORUS ALGoodbye twelve Early to bed,Goodbye thirteen Early to rise.Hello La-a-a-ove. Your broad goes out Other guys. CASSIE A diaphragm, a diaphragm. I thought a diaphragm was up Here, Where you breathe. DON I bought a car. I bought my first car. MIKE(Spoken) Padiddle.CHORUS MARKChanges, oh, Ev'ry girl I know has lockjaw of Down below. The legs.Up a-... CONNIE You're not leaving this house 'Til you're Twenty-one. KRISTINE The ugliest boy asked me to the Prom, I stayed home. MAGGIE Life is a ashtray. VAL Shit. Made it through High School Without Growing tits.CHORUS RICHIE...Doubt, My trouble is wine, women, andTo break out Song.It's a mess. I can't get any of 'em.Time to grow, MIKETime to go, Your brother's going to A-do... Medical School, And you're dropping out to be a Chorus boy. Nothing! BEBE Steve McQueen out. Nureyev in! DIANA You gotta know somebody to be Somebody. MAGGIE Gra-du-a-tion! SHEILA All you run around with are Bums. AL I got nancy's picture, Annabelle's Locket, Cynthia's ring and Lucy's pants. Head-on collision! Eddie got killed...RICHIE Let's dance, let's dance.PAULWhat am I gonna say when he calls on me?JUDYMy only adolescence, my only adolescenceMy only adolescence.JUDY AND KRISTINEMy only adolescence.KRISTINEMy only adolescence...DIANA AND BEBEWhere did it go? It was so...Where did it go? It was so...VAL, DIANA AND BEBEWhere did it go? It was so...Where did it go? It was so...GREG, BOBBY AND MIKEFreshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior,Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior.SHEILA, MAGGIE AND DONThirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen,Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen.MARK, CONNIE, CASSIE, RICHIE, MAGGIE, JUDY, PAUL, LARRY AND ALSuddenly I'm Seventeen andALLSuddenly I'm Seventeen and...Suddenly I'm Seventeen and...Suddenly,There's a lot I am not Certain of,Goodbye twelve,Goodbye thirteen,Hello...(Break into 4 groups and Scat counterpoint)GIRLSDoo, Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo,Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo,Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo,Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo, Dit dit doo,GIRLSDee du dee du dee du, dee dee du dit, Dee du dee du dee du, dee dee du dit, Dee du dee du dee du, dee dee du dit, Dee du dee du dee du, dee dee du dit, Dee du dee du dee du, dee dee du dit, Dee du dee du dee du, dee dee du dit, Dee du dee du dee du, dee dee du dit, Dee du dee du dee du, dee dee du.BOYSWah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah,Wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah,Wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah,Wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah.BOYSDoo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo ah,Doo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo ah,Doo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo ah,Doo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo ah,Doo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo ah,Doo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo ah,Doo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo ah,Doo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo ah,RICHIEGimme the ball, Gimme the ball, Gimme the ball. Yeah!Gimme the ball, Gimme the ball, Gimme the ball. Yeah!I was always runnin' around shoutin',"Gimme the ball, Gimme the ball, Gimme the ball. Yeah!"I was so enthusiastic.I was in to ev'rything.The yearbook is filled wiht my pictures,And I was lucky 'cause I gotA scholarship to college.A scholarship to college!ALL(Chorus plus offstage voices)So he went.RICHIEYes, I went.ALLYes, he went.RICHIESo I'm gonna be this kindergarten teacher...(spoken)Imagine me- this kindergarten teacher? And I thought...(Sings)Shit.ALLShit, Richie.RICHIEShit.ALLShit, Richie.RICHIE ALLWhat are you gonna be? Shit, Richie,Shit, Richie. When you get shoved Shit, Richie,Shit, Richie.Outta here,Honey, ain't nobody Shit, Richie, Shit, Richie.Gonna be standin' thereWith no scholarship to life. Shit, Richie, Shit, Richie.RICHIE And I was scared.ALLShit, Richie.RICHIEScared.ALLShit, Richie.RICHIEScared!!ALLShit, Richie.GIRLS(Chorus & all offstage voices 'til end)My braces goneBOYSMy pimples gone.ALLMy childhood gone,GoodbyeGoodbye twelve.Goodbye thirteen.Goodbye fourteen.Goodbye fifteen.Goodbye sixteen.Goodbye seventeen.Hello love.Go to it.Go to it.Go to it.Go to it.Go to it.Go to it.BOYSAnd now life really begins.GIRLSGo to it.BOYSAnd now life really begins.GIRLSGo to it.BOYSAnd now life really beigins.GIRLSGo to it.BOYSAnd now life really begins.GIRLSGo to it.BOYSGo to it.DANCE: TEN; LOOKS: THREEVALDance: ten; Looks; three.And I' still on unemployment,Dancing for my own enjoyment.That ain't it, kid. That ain't it, kid."Dance: ten; Looks; three,"I like to die!Left the theatre and Called the doctor forMy appointment to buy...Tits and ass.Bought myself a fancy pair.Tightened up the derriere.Did the nose with it.All that goes with it.Tits and ass!Had the bingo-bongos done.Suddenly I'm getting nash'nal tours!Tits and ass won't get you jobsUnless they're yours.Didn't cost a fortune neither.Didn't hurt my sex life either.Flat and sassy,I would get the strays and losers.Beggars really can't be choosers.That ain't it, kid. That ain't it, kid.Fised the chassis."How do you do!"Life turned into and Endless medley of"Gee it had to be you!"Why?Tits and ass!Where the cupboard once was bareNow you knock and someone's there.You have got 'em, hey.Top to bottom, hey.It's a gas!Just a dash of silicone.Shake your new maracas and you fine!Tits and ass can change your life.They sure changed mine.Have it all done.Honey, take my word.Grab a cab, c'mon.See the wizard onPark and Seventy-ThirdForTits and ass.Orchestra or balcony.What they want is whatcha see.Keep the best of you.Do the rest of you.Pits or class.I have never seen it fail.Debutante or chorus girl or wife.Tits and ass,Yes, tits and assHave changed...My...Life...!THE MUSIC AND THE MIRRORCASSIEGive me somebody to dance for,Give me somebody to show.Let me wake up in the morning to findI have somewhere exciting to go.To have something that I can believe in.To have something to be.Use me... Choose me.God, I'm a dancer,A dancer dances!Give me somebody to dance with.Give me a place to fit in.Help me return to the world of the livingBy showing me how to begin.Play the music.Give me the chance to come through.All I ever needed was the music, and the mirror, And the chance to dance for you.Give me a job and you instantly get me involved.If you give me a job,Then the rest of the crap will get solved.Put me to work, You would think that by now I'm allowed.I'll do you proud.Throw me a rope to grab on to.Helpome to prove that I'm strong.Give me the chance to look forward to sayin':"Hey. listen, they're playing my song."Play me the music.Give me the chance to come through.All I ever needed was the music, and the mirror,And the chance to dance...Play me the music,Play me the music,Play me the music.Give me the chance to come through.All I ever needed was the music, and the mirror,And the chance to dance...ONEMIKE, AL, DON AND MAGGIESingular sensationEv'ry little step she takes.One thrilling combinationEv'ry move that she makes.One smile and suddenly nobody else will do.You know you'll never be lonely with you know who.One moment in her presence And you can forget the rest.For the girl is second best to none, son.Ooh! Sigh!Give her your attention.Do I Really have to mentionShe's the one?GREGOneMARKTwo...KRISTINEShoulder up...MikeSingular Sensation...KRISTINEStay pulled up...BEBEPoint...PAULAnd...BEBEPoint...PAULFlick...BEBEStep, kick...VALHat to the head...BOBBYThree, four...JUDYLead with the hi[- follow through...SHEILAUp, down...DIANAFill the phrase...VALElbow right...MAGGIEDown, point...DONStep, brush...MARKThree, four...RICHIESuddenly nobody...BEBEStep, flick...SHEILAStep, up, step, and step...PAULLunge...CONNIELunge...JUDYSlow...MARKThree, four, five, six...KRISTINEHat...MIKEKick...DONStep, brush...JUDYPalm up...MARKFive, six...GREGBack, back...JUDY,DIANA,KRISTINE&VAL MAGGIE,SHEILA,BEBE&CONNIELift, elbow straight, pose Lift, lift, lift, changeangle to the left and step and step...change to the right, palm step and step,up,up, hat-head, and cross, back, front, step,hat-right, hat-chest down, point, down, point,hat-right, hat-chest, down, point, down, point,body right, eyes front, cross, back step, ball change,body straight, hat up, cross, back step, ball change,down to the head, other side, step, touch, step, touch,stay pulled up, shoulder up, step, up, step, up,tip the hat, tip the hat, plie, kick, plie, kick,tip the hat, tip the hat, plie, kick, plie, kick,hat-up, hat-hold, ball change, kick, step, kick(beat) up, (beat) hold, Step, kick, step, kick,(beat) up, (beat) up, Step, kick, step, kick,(beat) up, (beat) up. Step, kick, step, kick.MIKE, GREG, DON & AL BOBBY, MARK, RICHIE & PAULOne One, two, three, four,Moment in her presence five, six, seven, eight.And you can forget the One, two, three, four,Rest. five, six, seven, eight.For the girl is second One, two, three, four, Best to five, six, seven, eight.None, One, two, three, four,Son. five, six, seven, eight.Ooh! Sigh! One, two, three, four,Give her your attention five, six, seven, eight.Do I One, two, three, four,Really have to mention five, six, seven, eight.She's One, two, three, four,The five, six, seven, eight.One? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.MIKE, GREG, DON & ALONE BOBBY, MARK, RICHIE & PAULSingular sensation Ev'ry little step she ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, Takes. five, six, seven, eight. ONE One, two, three, four,Thrilling combination FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT.Ev'ry move that she One, two, three, four,Makes. five, six, seven, eight.ONE SMILE AND ONE, two, three, four,SUDDENLY NOBODY five, six, seven, eight.ELSE will One, two, three, four,Do. FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT.You know you'll ONE, TWO, three, four,Never be lonely with five, six, seven, eight.YOU KNOW One, two, three, four,WHO. five, six, seven, eight.One One, two, three, four,Moment in her presence FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT.And you can forget the One, two, three, four,Rest. five, six, seven, eight.FOR THE GIRL IS SECOND One, two, three, four,BEST TO five, six, seven, eight.NONE, One, TWO, THREE, FOUR,Son. FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT.Ooh! Sigh! ONE, TWO, three, four,GIVE HER YOUR ATTENTION. five, six, seven, eight.DO I One, two, three, four,REALLY HAVE TO MENTION five, six, seven, eight.SHE'S ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR.THE FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT.ONE? ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT.MAGGIE, SHEILA, BEBE & CASSIEJUDY, DIANA, KRISTINE & VAL ONE, CHANGE,ONE, HAT, SHOULDER UP, step, (beat) Step, (beat)walk, (beat) walk, (beat) POINT, FLICK, STEP, KICK,stay pulled up, eyes front, touch, change,HAT TO CHEST, ANGLE RIGHT walk, (beat) walk, (beat)HAT TO THE HEAD, up, down, up, down,lead with the hip, follow thru; down, point, down, point,palm up, fill thr phrase, STEP, BRUSH, STEP, BRUSH,elbow right, hat down, STEP, BRUSH, back, back,hat to chest, elbow up, step, flick, step, up,CHANGE THE BODY, step and step, lunge...LEAVE THE HEAD, SHOULDER LEFT, lunge, slow...head, lead to the right, hat hat, kick,up, knee in, elbow STEP, BRUSH, STEP, BRUSH,down, hat to the head, kick, STEP, BRUSH, BACK, BACK,lift the arm, palm up, lift, lift, lift, change,FILL THE PHRASE, ARM DOWN, step and step, (beat)LIFT, ELBOW, STRAIGHT, POSE, step and step, upangle to the left and cross, back, front, step,change to the right, pull down, point, down, point,up, hat-head, and DOWN, POINT, DOWN, POINT,hat-right, hat-chest, BACK, cross, back, back,HAT-RIGHT, HAT-CHEST, cross, back, step, ball change,BODY RIGHT, EYES FRONT, step, touch, step, touch,body straight, hat-up, step, up, step, up,down to the head, other side, plie, kick, plie, kick,stay pulled up, shoulder up, plie, kick, plie, kick,TIP THE HAT, TIP THE HAT, BALL CHANGE, KICK, STEP, KICK,TIP THE HAT, TIP THE HAT, STEP, KICK, STEP, KICK,HAT-UP, HAT HOLD. STEP, KICK, STEP, KICK.GIRLSOneSingular sensationEv'ry little step she takes.OneThrilling combinationEv'ry move that she makes.One smile and suddenly nobody else will do.You know you'll never be lonely with you know who.OneMoment in her presence, And you can forget the rest.for the girl is second bestTo none, son.Ooh! Sigh! Give her your attention.Do I really have to mentionShe' sensationEv'ry little step she takes...OneThrilling combinationEv'ry move that she makes.One smile and suddenly nobody else will do.You know you'll never be lonely with you know who.One... Moment in her presenceAnd you can forget the rest.For the girl is second bestTo none...son.Ooh! Sigh! Give her your attention.Do I really ahev to mentionShe's the one?ALL(Chorus and offstage voices)One singular sensationEv'ry little step she takes.One...thrilling combinationEv'ry move that she makes.One smile and suddenly nobody else will do.You know you'll never be lonely with you know who.One moment in her presenceAnd you can forget the rest.For the girl is second bestTo none, son.Ooh! Sigh! Give her your attention.Do I really have to mentionShe's the one?WHAT I DID FOR LOVEDIANAKiss today goodbye,The sweetness and the sorrow.Wish me luck, the same to you,But I can't regretWhat I did for love, what I did for love.Look, my eyes are dry.The gift was ours to borrow.It's as if we always knew,And I won't regret what I did for love, What I did for love.Gone,Love is never gone.As we travel on, Love's what we'll remember.Kiss today goodbye,And point me t'ward tomorrow.We did what we had to do.Won't forget, can't regret GROUPWhat I did for love. Love.ALLWhat I did for love. Love.DIANAWhat I did for...ALLLoveLove is never goneAs we travel onLove's what we'll rememberKiss today goodbye.DIANAAnd point me t'ward tomorrow.ALLPoint me t'ward tomorrow.We did what we had to do.Won't forget, can't regretWhat I did for love.What I did for love.DIANAWhat I did for...ALL Love.FINALEBOYSOne singular sensationEv'ry little step he takes.One thrilling combinationEv'ry move that he makes.One smile and suddenly nobody else will do.You know you'll never be lonely with you know who.One moment in his presenceAnd you can forget the rest.For the guy is second bestTo none, Son.Ooooh! Sigh! Give him your attention.Do... I... really have to mention?He's the one?She walks into a roomAnd you know GIRLSShe's un-Commonly rare, very uniquePeripatetic, poetic and chic.ALLShe walks into a roomAnd you know from herMaddening poise, effortless whirl,She's a special girl.Stroll-Ing,Can't helpAll of her qualitiesExtol-Ling.Loaded with charisma is maJauntily sauntering, ambling shambler.She walks into a roomAnd you know you mustShuffle along, join the parade.She's the quntessence of making the grade.This is whatcha callTrav'ling.Oh, strut your stuff!Can't get enoughOfHer.LoveHer.I'm a son of a gun,She is one of aKind...BOYS GIRLSOne She walks into a roomSingular sensation And you know she's un-Ev'ry little step she commonly rare, very unique,Takes. peripatetic, poetic, and chic.One She walks into a roomThrilling combination And you know from herEv'ry move that she Maddening charm, effortless Whirl,Makes. She's a special girl.One smile and Stroll-Suddenly nobody Ing,Else will Can't helpDo. All of her qualitiesYou know you'll Extol-Never be lonely with Ling.You know Loaded with charisma is maWho. Jauntily, sauntering, ambling Shambler.One She walks in to a roomMoment in her presence And you know you mustAnd you can forget the Shuffle along, join the Parade.Rest. She's the qunitessence of Making the grade.For the girl is second This is whatcha call Best to Trav'ling.None, Oh, strut your stuff!Son. Can't get enought.Ooh! Sigh! OfGive her your attention. Her.Do I Love.Really have to mention Her. She's I'm a son of a gun,The She is one of a One?... Kind...ALLOne singular sensationEv'ry little step she takes.One thrilling combinationEv'ry move that she makes.One smile and suddenly nobody else will do.You know you'll never be lonely with you know who.One moment in her presenceAnd you can forget the rest.For the girl is second bestTo none, son.Ooooh! Sigh! Give her your attention.Do... I... really have to mentionShe's the...She's the...She's the...One!- Questo copione è stato visto: